Weiyou Yang

Vice President of Ningbo Flexible Electronics Society of China

Present and Previous Positions

  • 2021.11-present Vice President of Ningbo Flexible Electronics Society of China.

  • 2021.4-present Member of Executive Board of Engineering Ceramics Committee of China Mechanical Engineering Society.

  • 2019.9-present Director of Institute of Micro/Nano Materials & Devices of Ningbo University of Technology.

  • 2019.6-present: General Secretary of "One Belt One Road" Central and Eastern European Technical College Alliance.

  • 2019.12-present: President of Association for Science & Technology in NUBT.

  • 2015.8-present Member of Executive Board of Ningbo Material Society of China.

  • 2013.11-present Director of Institute of Materials and Chair of Departmental Academic Committee in NBUT.

  • 2013.6-present Member of Executive Board of National Research Association for the Development of New Materials and Technologies of China.

  • 2013.12-present Member of Executive Board of China Society for Materials Research.

  • 2010.6-present Invited Expert for High-level Talents in Zhejiang Province and China.

  • 2010.8-present Member of Executive Board of Chinese Society of Particuology.

Fields of Scholarship

  • Third-generation Semiconductor SiC and Devices

  • Energy Storage & Conversion

  • Photo-/Photoelectrochemical Catalysis of Water for H2 generation;

  • Field Emission Cathodes

  • Pressure Sensors

  • Photodetectors

  • Light-emitting Diodes

Honours and Awards

  • 2019 Academician (foreign member) of Academy of Technological Science of Ukraine.

  • 2020 Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC).

  • 2013 Special Government Allowance Award, Chinese State Council.

  • 2009 Science and Technology Award for Young Scientist, Ningbo Municipality.

  • 2012 Distinguished Young Scientist Award, Chinese Society of Particuology.

  • 2018 Ningbo Municipality Prize for Progress in Science and Technology, First Prize.

  • 2019 Innovation Award of China Association for Promoting Industry & Research Cooperation.

  • 2021 Awarded as the IAAM Medal of International Association of Advanced Materials.


  • 2001.09 - 2005.11: Ph.D., Materials Science & Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

  • 1998.09 - 2001.07: M.S., Materials Science & Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China.

  • 1994.09 - 1998.07: B.Sc., Materials Science & Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China.


  • 1 monograph

  • 2 book chapters

  • More than 200 SCI-index papers published in peer-reviewed journals

  • More than 90 authorized Chinese invention patents