Weihe Zhong

Distinguished Chair Professor Xi'an Fanyi University

Distinguished Chair Professor Xi'an Fanyi University

Distinguished Chair Professor of City University of Macau

Honourary Professor of Shenzhen University

Former Distinguished Professor and President of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

Scientific Societies:

Executive Chairman, International Young Leaders Club

Member of the Advisory Committee, Regent’s Park College, Oxford University

Vice President of Western Returned Scholars Association (Overseas-Returned Scholars Association) of Guangdong

Vice Chairman of Supervisory Committee for Foreign Language Teaching and Chairman of the Advisory Committee for English Language Teaching, Ministry of Education, China

Advisor to Municipal Government of Guangzhou, China

Member of the Committee for Discipline Development and Degree Programmes of the Ministry of Education.

Chairman of National Advisory Committee on Teaching Interpreting and Translation as a Major in Higher Educational Institutions under the Ministry of Education

President of Guangdong Association of Translation

Executive Vice President of the 6th Council of the Translators Association of China (TAC)

Executive Chairman of National Committee for Graduate Studies in Interpreting and Translation Education, Ministry of Education, China

Committee Member of China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters(English language), the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, China

Main awards:

2020.11 "Leading Scholar for Innovation Award" by Tianhe District Government, Guangzhou, China

2017.12 "Person of the Year 2017 for Education" by Yang Cheng Evening Standard

2016.06 "National Leading Scholar in Humanities and Social Sciences" by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

2016.06 "National Cultural Elite" Award by the Department and Publicity and Organization of the Central Committee of CPC

2015.06 Honorary Doctor of Letters by the University of Coventry, UK

2015.12 Third Prize of "Best Works in Humanities and Social Sciences" by Guangdong People's Government

2014.12 First Prize of Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award" by the Provincial Department of Education, Guangdong

2012.11 Special Contribution Award for China's Translation Cause by China Translators' Association

2012.07 Honorary Doctor of Letters by the University of Westminster, UK

2010.06 Leading Professor of National Teaching Team in Interpreting by the Ministry of Education

2010.06 Honorary Doctor of Letters by the University of Central Lancashire, UK

2009,12 First Prize of Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award" by the Provincial Department of Education, Guangdong

2009.10 Third Prize of Excellent Achievement Award of Philosophy and Social Sciences and Science and Technology Progress by the Provincial Government of Guangdong

2009.12 National Leading Scholar of" the New Century One Hundred One Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project for Science Advancement" by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Education

2008.09 Outstanding Scholar of "the New Century Outstanding Talents Project" by the Ministry of Education

2008.12 First Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award by Guangzhou People's Government

2008.12 Distinguished Teacher of Higher Education by the Provincial Department of Education, Guangdong

2007.09 National Excellent Course for Higher Education (Course Leader) by the Ministry of Education

2005.09 First Prize of Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award" by the Provincial Department of Education, Guangdong

2001.09 National Excellent Teachers Award and Medal by the Ministry of Education

Member of the editorial boards of 16 journals (4 foreign)


More than 20 books and textbooks, 5 Translated books

More than 100 journal papers in peer-reviewed journals