Biao Jiang


Shanghai Tech University


- The QIUSHI Award for Outstanding Young Scholar, Hongkong QIUSHI foundation for Science and Technology, 1996

- Grade II for Natural Science Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1997

- Qiushi Outstanding Youth Achievement Transformation Award, China Association for Science and Technology, 2000

- The QIUSHI Outstanding Youth Award, The China Association for Science and Technology, 2003

- Shanghai Municipal Grade I for Scientific Progress Award, 2003

- Eli Lilly Outstanding Scientific Achievement Award, 2006

- United Nations Environmental Program TEAP Champion Award, 2007

- Medal of the Mayor of Paris, France, 2007

- National Grade II for Scientific and Technological Progress Award, 2008

- Morocco IVA Hassan II award for Ozone Layer protection, 2009

- Outstanding Contribution Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2017

- China Industry-Universities-Research Institutes Cooperation Promotion Award, 2017

- China Industry-Universities-Research Institutes Cooperation Innovation Award, 2018

- National Grade II for Scientific and Technological Progress Award, 2019


Permanent positions

2012--present, Distinguished Professor, Shanghai Tech University

2012--2018, Director, Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies, Shanghai Tech University

2009--present, Professor, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, CAS

2008--2017, Vice President, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, CAS

2007--present, Director, Innovation and Cooperation Center (Bangkok), CAS

2003--2009, Director, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS

2001--2003, Executive Director, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS

1997--2001, Deputy Director, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS

1996--1997, Assistant Director, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS

1995--present, Professor, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS

1992--1994, Associate Professor, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS

1990--1992, Assistant Professor, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS

Visiting positions

1992--1994, Visiting Scentist, Dupont Experimental Station, Dupont, USA


Member of

- International Eroasian Academy of Sciences, Academician (from 2021)

- Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, UNEP (2005--2015)

- Medical and Chemical Technology Option Panel UNEP (2015--2018)

- RIKEN Advisor Council, RIKEN, Japan (2010--2014)

- Committee of World Chinese Organic Chemist (from 2008)

- Degree Review Group for Chemistry of the Degree Committee of the State Council (2003--2014)

- Shanghai Degree Committee (2012--2018)

- Degree Assessment Committee of Chemical and Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2002--2018)